“The effective fervent prayers of the righteous accomplish much” James 5:16
Presenter: C. Frederick Wilson
Part I. Biblical – Spiritual Perspective
- Getting a better grip on the awesome dynamics of prayer for the enemy is out to do you in (John 10:10a) and connecting with the One who is on your side. (John 10:10b)
- Reviewing biblical prayer principles and utilizing biblical prayers to strengthen your prayer life.
- Evaluating discipleship principles that enhance the effectiveness of your prayers.
- Dealing with hindrances, misunderstandings, and false concepts that, if allowed, can hinder your prayers.
Part II. Practical Perspective
- Why pray? Present and eternal benefits.
- Guidelines for praying for others: your family, your pastor and local church.
- Questions you may have about prayer responded to by the presenter.
- Action Plan to increase the quality and effectiveness of your prayer life
Who should attend? All believers. All ages. Invite your friends. Outlines provided for each session. The presenter’s book The Life Style of Prayer available for purchase. Other prayer resources will be recommended for your consideration.
Guidelines will be shared as to how and what to pray for concerning their pastor and local church.
Questions participants may ask about prayer. Within this section I will share some principles to assist believers to stay biblically focused when it seems their prayers are not working or did not produce their desired results. Reality is, we all face this challenge.
Pastor, I truly believe this seminar will be a blessing to the participants and your local church. Today pastors are under extreme pressure and attacks from the enemy and need Watchmen on the Wall to stand in the gap and defeat the enemies’ strategies to hinder God’s plan and purpose for the church.
For greatest impact of sessions: a minimum of 12-15 participants if possible.
Desired number of sessions: four 50-minute sessions. Flexible to flow with Pastor’s wisdom if fewer sessions are desired.
Pastor, should you have any questions or suggestions relative to the format, scheduling or other clarifications, please contact me.