Having been co-pastors together for many years, Katrina and I relate to the joys as well as the challenges of being a pastor. We count it a privilege to come along side pastors with focusing on a two-fold supportive role to enhance the pastoral office and strengthen the local church.
Our Passion: To encourage and be a blessing to the pastor, their spouse, and family.
Bridge Builders: Focusing on the uncompromising Biblical principles and contemporary insights that we have gleaned from our experience and research to effective methodology relevant to today. These principles and insights would be shared as the pastor so desires.
Our Purpose: Within whatever setting we may be ministering, we pursue sharing biblical-spiritual truths along with practical wisdom insights that are designed to inform, inspire and strengthen the journey of believers and their relationship with the local church.
Advancing the Kingdom in Times Such as These: Today the local church is in competition with many areas. There are para-church ministries, secular pursuits, and other issues that draw on the believer’s time, energy and support of the local church. When ministering within the local church congregation, we focus on the importance of the local church to the believer’s life in Christ. We also emphasize the importance of the believer to God, the church, the family, and their impact and influence outside the church.
Whether together or speaking at individual churches, we share from the Word of God and our life experiences in a positive, inspiring motivational way. Key Words to describe our focus : wisdom, balance, practical insights, humorous, contemporary, non-threatening, yet non-compromising of spiritual truth.
Thanks pastor for receiving this information. .
Should you have any questions or insights relative to the information shared here or any other points of interest or subjects you may desire for us to assist you with, please let us know. Please feel free to use the Contact Page.
The Wilsons: Fred and Katrina