Embracing being the Man that God has Meant for You To Be
Presenter: Dr. C. Frederick
Part I: Biblical-Spiritual Focus: Trusting God and His Wisdom
- Affirming Father God’s plan, purpose, identity and destiny for manhood.
- Exposing 21st century secular humanistic philosophies designed to
weaken true manhood.
Focusing On…
Divine Alignment, Divine Assignment, Divine Assistance
- Reality check. Your own personal inventory: strengths and weaknesses –
Nobody’s business but you and the Lord’s
- Action Plan Action: 30-60 day adjustment plan: Six D’s to the Gold Medal
- Faith confessions and prayers to strengthen your manhood journey
- Recommended resourcesto assist men to stay focused on being a God
kind of man.
Dr. Wilson will share his testimony. “He raised me to more than I can be”
Who will benefit by attending? High school age and up; believers and not-yet believers.
The above focus could be incorporated into a men’s type of retreat and I could flow with 50-minute sessions, as the key note speaker, along with other fun activities, manhood dynamics, etc. Should you so desire, I am flexible to speak at a men’s breakfast.
Local church focus…within the setting I will encourage men of the importance of being faithful to their family, the local church, and in the workplace.
Other guests: I could bring with me one or two of the younger men from our church to share their testimony. (within a 60 mile range of home)
Pastor: I would be honored to be with you and your men. Should you have any questions or suggestions, give me a call.